Mountaineering huts

Mountaineering group outside a hut

Protection for your club's assets

With many mountaineering huts being located in remote areas and non-standard in construction, it is important to get the right cover. Howden and Mountaineering Scotland has a bespoke solution for insuring huts with Hiscox Insurance.

Your club can arrange cover for:

  • Buildings, including those of non-standard construction
  • Contents
  • Equipment
  • Plant
  • Business interruption
  • Flood and storm damage

Liability insurance

As a member of Mountaineering Scotland, a club that owns a hut (or a hut trust) is protected by Public Liability Insurance with a limit of indemnity of £20 million. This policy includes cover for committee members, directors and trustees, Employers Liability and specifically notes "representation on any management committee or acting as a trustee with respect to the operation of mountaineering huts" within the cover.

Cover for club members undertaking hut maintenance is only included in respect of organised club working parties. It is recognised that hut wardens will, from time to time, carry out work on huts and enlist club members to help with this. For insurance purposes these are considered to be club working parties, but please note that the club and club members are not insured if members decide to undertake ad hoc maintenance at a hut outside of a club working party.

Maintenance by volunteers

Huts often need maintenance and many clubs have volunteers willing to carry out any work required, but this can bring additional risks. The club has a duty of care to its members and so could have a liability for injuries suffered by volunteers whilst they're working on the hut on the club's behalf.

Hiscox Insurance has agreed to provide employers liability cover for clubs in respect of their liability towards volunteers. Employers liability cover applies to both employees and volunteers who carry out work at a hut. This would protect you if there is a case of legal liability for damages and costs arising out of death or injury caused during any work.

Work undertaken by volunteers subject to the following conditions:

  • Cover is not included for any work at height, use of chainsaws, work on gas appliances or electrical work that requires Part P certification. If a club has volunteers who intend to undertake such work it should be referred to Howden for approval before it commences. Find out more about the information insurers will need you to provide.
  • If the volunteer is a working tradesperson or contractor, the club should contract them to do the work professionally regardless as to whether there is fee. This way the liability for the works and any injury to the volunteer rests with the tradesman's own professional insurance, rather than the club. If the work performed under these circumstances includes work at height, use of chainsaws or electrical work, this does not need to be referred for approval provided the contractor provides evidence of their insurance. If the contractor is simply working as a volunteer as part of a working party, however, this would fall under the clubs insurance.

For terms and conditions and to download your policy documents click here.

Contact us for a quotation to cover your club

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What to do if you are experiencing financial difficulties

We recognise that the current economic conditions are putting pressure on many households and businesses. At Howden, we are committed to finding ways to assist our customers who may require additional support during these times.

If you’re currently facing financial difficulty, please speak to us about your insurance policies by:-

-contacting your Howden Service Team; 
-calling Howden on 020 7623 3806;
-using the Enquiry form.