Making a claim
For some claims types, we encourage claims online. For others, it is quicker and easier to call us.
As part of your client on-boarding, you will have been provided with details of how to claim. These will be in your records, or perhaps in your email inbox.
Commercial Motor
Many of our commercial motor claims have access to our SMARTCLAIMS portal.
Make a Motor ClaimFine Art
Our Fine Art & Collectibles team welcomes claims online – please email us your details.
Email nowProfessional Indemnity
If you’ve received a complaint, a claim or wish to notify a circumstance that may/likely give rise to a claim, please fill in this simple notification form. The sooner we know, the sooner we can help.
If you are affiliated with a sports governing body or hold a sports policy with us, claim or notify here.
Claim / Notify
Are you a private client?
Not sure how to claim, or who to speak to regarding claims for personal home and motor? We’ll take care of you on our sister site, where you can find access to local branch contacts.
For everything else, it’s easier to call.
We have a large team of claims professionals ready to help you, 24/7.
Claiming promptly helps us support your best interests. We’re ready to guide you through the process and offer support where needed.
What you’ll need:
- Your policy number helps speed things up
- Certain claims require documentation to be attached, but you needn’t worry about that at this stage.
Important claims advice
For theft, loss and malicious damage claims, yes. Make a note of the officer’s name, police station and crime reference number.
For low-value thefts and losses, the police often recommend that claimants visit the Report My Loss website, which you can find here.
If you are travelling, you need to report to the local police within 24 hours. If you can’t do this, your insurer will need a detailed explanation of why you couldn’t, as failure to report can mean the claim is unsuccessful.
In the case of a motor incident, the police should be notified if there is a casualty, if someone leaves the scene or appears to be under the influence of substances, or if you just feel that something about the situation isn't quite right.
- Make the property safe and secure.
- Take lots of photos from various angles. Mobile video footage is useful too.
- If emergency repairs need to be made, make them. Keep all receipts and invoices.
- To save any confusion and stress later, do not throw away any salvage from the incident.
- Inform Howden quickly, by registering a claim here.
- Obtain a quote for repair costs. Insurers often want two for comparative purposes but let us know if this is a problem.
If the claim is likely to be a larger one, say, over £4000, the insurer will probably want to assess the damage themselves. They will send a loss adjuster
It is getting more and more important to protect yourself against motor claims. The rise of ambulance-chasing lawyers can mean enormous claims against you.
To help us defend your interests:
1. Do not admit liability – you will be in shock and it’s not for you to say at this stage.
2. Make a note of who was in the other vehicles: how many people, a brief description and who was sat where.
3. Obtain names and addresses of any witnesses
4. Make a sketch of the scene of the accident, noting down the time and date
5. Take lots of pictures - of the scene and the damage - from various angles if safe to do so. Video footage is can prove invaluable too.
6. Inform the police within 24 hours if someone is injured, if someone leaves the scene or appears to be under the influence of substances, or if something about the situation doesn't feel right.
When someone accuses you of being at fault, we want to do all we can to help as soon as we can.
To aid your claims defensibility:
• Do not admit liability or offer payment.
• Always record incidents, in the company’s accident book if appropriate.
• Identify witnesses and take statements from anyone in the area immediately before or after the incident, even if they didn't see it happen.
• Preserve CCTV.
• DO NOT enter into correspondence about the incident – forward anything from the claimant to us unanswered.
If there is an accident on your premises, and someone needs to go to hospital or is off work for more than 3 days as a result, please tell us immediately.
The sooner we know, the better. Every day counts.
Certain scenarios require a report from a relevant professional, for example, a doctor, airline or vet.
Don't worry, we will let you know what is needed when you report the incident to us. Your policy document will also give you advice about what you will need to provide.

Any other claims enquiries?
For any other claims enquiries, to ask a question or check progress, please send us a message using this form