Health & Safety

Made-to-measure health and safety programmes designed to protect your people and your business

Our team of health and safety specialists

Our Health & Safety service provision will be tailored and proportionate to your business needs, ensuring that our clients do not fall foul of enforcement authorities, or in the event of a serious incident, ensuring our systems provide the maximum defensibility against any charge or claim. 

Whether acting as your Competent person or supporting and supplementing your in-house team, we will aim to deliver peace of mind in this key area of business compliance.

Our three-step approach

Step 1

By identifying potential business risks and understanding where threats are coming from, we know how best to help. While difficult truths and feedback may be tough to take on board, every recommendation we present is designed to show the impact of inaction, and the power of understanding and addressing problems.

Step 2

We never want to offer a solution before we fully understand the problem. One size does not fit all and therefore we’ll spend the time fully understanding your business before we start to talk about what can be done to protect your business and address any highlighted issues or concerns.

Step 3

Once in situ as your trusted risk management partner, we’ll start to make things better. We’ll leverage our deep industry knowledge, experience, and innovative approach to develop and deliver customised solutions that effectively address the risks and weaknesses that are (or soon will be) impacting your business.

Our solutions

We know a business's most valuable asset is their people. So, ensuring their safety at work is important to any employer. Our carefully designed health and safety packages offer a protective barrier through reviews, audits, assessments, and support from our specialist’s.

Our starting package ‘Protect Online’ aims to fulfil your ‘Competent person’ legal obligation. It also provides a baseline level of compliance for low-risk businesses and delivers peace of mind. We do this by conducting an initial Health & Safety Compliance Audit on your documentation and premises and produce a clear action plan. We’ll also install a Health & Safety Management System covering off your key risk areas including policy, risk assessments and training and review existing documents. You will also have access to our telephone and email support line. The result from this is having identified your key risk areas, we will work with you on installing the Health and Safety Management system and our recommendations, via a combination of on-site and remote support to achieve acceptable compliance levels. 

Here is a full list of services included in the ‘Protect Online’ package: 

  • Competent person support 
  • Health & Safety Audit 
  • Policy & Risk Assessment Review 
  • Health & Safety Management System 
  • Unlimited email and telephone support

Moving up in risk, our middle package ‘Protect Standard’ provides compliance for medium risk businesses and delivers peace of mind. As well as everything in the ‘Protect Online’ package, we will conduct a PAS 79 compliant Fire Risk Assessment. You’ll also have access to onsite support from our specialist team. We will provide a health and safety homeworking package if and when needed. We will review, update or help create key defensibility documentation such as policy and RAMS. Businesses will also have access to an array of eLearning modules and training in key areas such as first aid and fire safety, as part of Howden Safety Systems. And continued access to our telephone and email support line. Having identified your key risk areas, we will work with you, through on-site support to achieve acceptable compliance levels against legislation and best practice. 

A full list of services include: 

  • Fire Risk Assessment 
  • Onsite support 
  • Health and safety homeworking checklist 
  • Business defence 
  • Howden Safety Systems which include eLearning modules

Finally, our top package ‘Protect Plus’ includes all services from ‘Protect Online’ and ‘Protect Standard’ but with an extra helping hand. It aims to provide compliance for medium-high risk businesses and ensure peace of mind. We ensure enhanced onsite support, so you get the attention you need. We will also deliver bespoke training based on business needs, delivered by our specialists. And of course, full access to our telephone and email support lines as well as access to health & safety lawyers. Having identified your key risk areas, we will work with you directly, through regular on-site support to achieve acceptable compliance levels against legislation and best practice 

Additional services in this package include: 

  • Enhanced onsite support 
  • Bespoke training
health and safety solutions
laurence begley
The biggest health & safety challenge facing many of our clients, is knowing exactly what legislation they should be complying with. Policies, risk assessments and training are the three key areas of defensibility that organisations need to ensure they are on top off. We will support our clients by ensuring we provide the systems to provide maximum protection and defensibility.
laurence begley
Laurence Begley, Head of Health and Safety client services

Health and Safety training

There is a legal requirement under Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 Section 2(c) to deliver appropriate health and safety training to all employees and for it to be recorded.

Although businesses operate in unique environments, the appointment of a competent person is a universal requirement for compliance. By producing a bespoke training matrix for your workforce, we can provide engaging opportunities for development in the most relevant and effective areas.

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What to do if you are experiencing financial difficulties

We recognise that the current economic conditions are putting pressure on many households and businesses. At Howden, we are committed to finding ways to assist our customers who may require additional support during these times.

If you’re currently facing financial difficulty, please speak to us about your insurance policies by:-

-contacting your Howden Service Team; 
-calling Howden on 020 7623 3806;
-using the Enquiry form.