Practice & GP insurance
Insurance protection for General Practitioners (GPs) and practices
Our team of insurance experts can offer a variety of solutions for GPs, general and private practices.
As a true specialist within the medical profession, having worked with GPs for many years, we understand the risks you face. Using this knowledge, we can design an insurance programme to meet your specific needs.
Some insurance products can be combined into a single package to reduce your administration hours.
Contact our expert team and we can help discuss your needs.
Insurance solutions for GP and private practices

Protecting your surgery
Cover for your surgery helps protect general practice and private practices against the myriad of risks faced. The protection required can vary from practice to practice. This is why we will help you to find a solution that meets your needs.

Locum policies
Becoming short-staffed without warning means that you need to find alternate arrangements as soon as possible. Hiring locum doctors is a needed, but sometimes much more costly solution. Our locum policies cover your surgery against additional costs associated with staff sickness absence.
We specialise in arranging Locum and Top-up Locum insurance for GP practices. You can rely on us to provide honest, transparent advice about the level of cover you need.

Malpractice cover
Our Medical Indemnity insurance policies are designed with your needs in mind and delivered to a high standard.
Unlike discretionary policies offered by Medical Defence Organisations (MDOs), a Howden insurance policy is contract-certain and insurance backed.

We can also help you with Cyber Insurance
GP practices are increasingly reliant on technology and are entrusted with large quantities of confidential data, therefore face a range of cyber risks that cannot be ignored. Having a suitable cyber insurance protection in place is crucial for the healthcare sector, especially due to providing care and services to members of the public and storing their data.
Cyber-attacks on the NHS are heard of by many, but individual GP surgeries are not out of cyber criminals’ radar by any means. A cyber breach could affect your ability to operate, costing your business money as well as potentially damaging your long term reputation. Howden can offer a solid stand-alone Cyber Insurance policy that is designed to minimise and mitigate these risks. What’s more, we can also provide you with additional support like risk management training for staff, incident response support, business interruption cover, recovery of lost funds, legal defence costs and more.
Proactive claims service
We strongly believe that our service should not just be measured on our ability to secure a reasonably priced insurance programme. Our team also takes pride in being helpful in many other scenarios like management of large losses, claims reporting and analysis.
Claims in the healthcare sector can be complex and cover a wide range of circumstances. Our specialist claims professionals work closely with our account management teams to deliver a seamless service. Rather than simply administrating, they take an active role and act as claim advocated in order to help reach favourable outcomes.
In the event of a claim or potential claim we will guide you through the process from start to finish. Your dedicated claims handler will advise you on whether a claim is covered, explain insurer positions in non-technical language, and devise a strategy to successfully and efficiently resolve the claim.