British Carriagedriving insurance centre

British Carriagedriving is the governing body for the sport of Horse Driving trials in Great Britain
Whether you are a full member of British Carriagedriving, an affiliated club member or a British Carriagedriving volunteer you will find information here about the insurance, arranged by British Carriagedriving to protect you whilst taking part in carriagedriving and other equestrian events.
Click on the relevant pages to find out more about how British Carriagedriving insurance protects you and read the FAQs.
If you cannot find the information you need, please contact Catherine Morgan below or email [email protected]

Contact Catherine
With years of experience designing products for the equine world, Catherine has a keen interest in all equine matters. As well as advising on every type of insurance cover available for the equestrian market, Catherine and her team can create bespoke products if required.

Howden’s Sport, Recreation, and Equine magazine