British Carriagedriving affiliated clubs

Horses racing with cart Howden Insurance britishcarriage driving

This section is for members of affiliated Clubs and for the committees, volunteers involved in the running of a British Carriagedriving affiliated Club.

A club must do all it reasonably can to reduce or eliminate loss, damage or injury to others and the club may be held legally liable if it fails to do so.


Affiliated clubs insurance

Affiliated Club members receive third party liability cover whilst they are attending any affiliated club event.  Affiliated Club members do not get 24/7 liability cover, you must be a member of British Carriagedriving to receive this benefit. 

All British Carriagedriving affiliated clubs are included on the British Carriagedriving liability policy which covers Public and Products Liability for their organising and running of events. 

All committee members or trustees of an affiliated Club are indemnified under the Directors' and Officers' policy arranged by British Carriagedriving. This indemnifies you for legal action taken against you as an individual or against the Club for a wrongful act such as defamation. 

Each affiliated Club is responsible for insuring their property whether this is owned, borrowed or hired by the club.  You can obtain a quote to cover club property from the British Carriagedriving insurance broker Howden, please download the club property proposal form and send to Morgan Smelt or call 0121 698 8161 for more details.


Read through our policy summary and frequently asked questions page to find out more about the cover offered for British Carriagedriving members.

We're here to help

Do you have an existing policy with Howden?

For all British Carriagedriving insurance enquiries contact Catherine on 02039 184 946. Alternatively fill out the form below and we'll be in touch. 

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What to do if you are experiencing financial difficulties

We recognise that the current economic conditions are putting pressure on many households and businesses. At Howden, we are committed to finding ways to assist our customers who may require additional support during these times.

If you’re currently facing financial difficulty, please speak to us about your insurance policies by:-

-contacting your Howden Service Team; 
-calling Howden on 020 7623 3806;
-using the Enquiry form.