British Carriagedriving members

Horse riding and driving is a high risk activity and it is important that individuals have adequate protection for equestrian activities.
This section details the insurance benefits that are included with membership of British Carriagedriving
Members insurance
Full, Associate and International members of British Carriagedriving automatically receive third party public liability insurance for equestrian activities up to a limit of £30,000,000. Certain exclusions apply including any form of horse racing, steeplechasing, point to pointing and team chasing. Please see the Members policy wording or summary for details of all exclusions. If you are an Associate member of British Carriagedriving the policy also excludes any competition that involves a timed driving element.
This insurance protects you against liability you may incur as a result of damage to third party property, or bodily injury to a third party, caused by your alleged negligence and arising out of your participation in equestrian activities or your ownership of horses and ponies.
Common examples of this are if your horse or pony kicks a car and you are held liable for the cost of repairs. Similarly, if your horse kicked a person and caused an injury which rendered them unable to work, you may be held liable for loss of earnings.
It is important to understand that this insurance does not cover any damage to your own property or any property in your care and does not cover bodily injury to a family member.
You also need to be proved negligent in your actions in order for a claim to be valid. In the event of any incident taking place which could result in a claim you should notify Howden insurance brokers straight away and it is important that you must not admit liability.
International members of British Carriagedriving and their support crew are covered whilst travelling for international competition as part of a British Carriagedriving team or as an individual at a championship. Individuals and their support crew are also covering when traveling for international competition providing they are competing in an FEI International class that is endorsed by British Carriagedriving.
Members do not receive any personal accident benefit through their membership of British Carriagedriving. However, members can obtain personal accident through A-Plan, which is now a Howden company.
Personal accident insurance policies vary a huge amount. Many "add on" personal accident policies will cover death and permanent disablement only for relatively low levels. You should consider your individual circumstances when choosing a personal accident policy.
To discuss your options, please contact James Warman by email [email protected] or telephone 01993 778778.
Read through our policy summary and frequently asked questions page to find out more about the cover offered for British Carriagedriving members.