Accident & incident reporting

All incidents that occur at a British Carriagedriving or Affiliated Club event should be reported no matter how minor.
This includes all turnovers, runaways, grooms falling off carriages as well as more serious incidents involving broken bones and concussion. Any serious accident must be advised to Howden UK Group as soon as possible (within 24 hours, or if the accident occurs at a weekend, by the next working day)
Please follow the steps below if you are:
- An Official of British Carriagedriving or an Affiliated Club wanting to report an incident at an event (both minor and serious incidents should be reported).
- A member of British Carriagedriving wanting to report an incident that has occurred and which may result in a claim against you
- A member of a British Carriagedriving Affiliated Club wanting to report an incident that has occurred at a Club event which may result in a claim against you
Please note this page is not for third parties with a grievance against British Carriagedriving or a BC member. If you have reason to believe you may have a valid claim against British Carriagedriving please contact Ben Evans by emailing [email protected] or call 01234 408610. Please also contact Ben Evans if you are a British Carriagedriving volunteer who has been injured during the course of your duties for BC or an Affiliated Club and believe you may be eligible to claim under the personal accident policy.