Accident & incident reporting

 carriage racing horses running

All incidents that occur at a British Carriagedriving or Affiliated Club event should be reported no matter how minor.

This includes all turnovers, runaways, grooms falling off carriages as well as more serious incidents involving broken bones and concussion. Any serious accident must be advised to Howden UK Group as soon as possible (within 24 hours, or if the accident occurs at a weekend, by the next working day)

Please follow the steps below if you are:

  • An Official of British Carriagedriving or an Affiliated Club wanting to report an incident at an event (both minor and serious incidents should be reported). 
  • A member of British Carriagedriving wanting to report an incident that has occurred and which may result in a claim against you
  • A member of a British Carriagedriving Affiliated Club wanting to report an incident that has occurred at a Club event which may result in a claim against you

Please note this page is not for third parties with a grievance against British Carriagedriving or a BC member.  If you have reason to believe you may have a valid claim against British Carriagedriving please contact Ben Evans by emailing [email protected] or call 01234 408610.  Please also contact Ben Evans if you are a British Carriagedriving volunteer who has been injured during the course of your duties for BC or an Affiliated Club and believe you may be eligible to claim under the personal accident policy.

Need to report an incident?

Do you have an existing policy with Howden?

Minor Incident Report

If the answer to any of the following questions is YES, please go back and complete the serious incident report.

Did the incident result in:

  • Any injured party attending hospital?
  • Any broken bone or concussion?
  • The completion of a RIDDOR report form? (NOTE: RIDDOR reportable incidents mainly relate to serious incidents in the work place but may be relevant in some circumstances.  See for more information)
  • Damage to property owned by a third party i.e. not owned by British Carriagedriving or a British Carriagedriving Affiliated Club?
  • Veterinary attention to any horse, pony or other animal?
  • A person threatening to make a claim against British Carriagedriving, an Affiliated Club or a member?

If the answer to all of the above questions is NO please continue to complete the minor incident form below.


Your details:

Did the incident occur at British Carriagedriving regional or national event?
Did the incident occur at British Carriagedriving Affiliated club event?

Details of witnesses

Our Website Terms and Conditions and Privacy Notice includes information on the scope of our service and how we will handle your data.

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What to do if you are experiencing financial difficulties

We recognise that the current economic conditions are putting pressure on many households and businesses. At Howden, we are committed to finding ways to assist our customers who may require additional support during these times.

If you’re currently facing financial difficulty, please speak to us about your insurance policies by:-

-contacting your Howden Service Team; 
-calling Howden on 020 7623 3806;
-using the Enquiry form.

Do you have an existing policy with Howden?

Serious incident report form

Complete the serious incident report form below if the answer to any of the following questions is YES:

Did the incident result in:

  • Any injured party attending hospital?
  • Any broken bone or concussion?
  • The completion of a RIDDOR report form? (NOTE: RIDDOR reportable incidents mainly relate to serious incidents in the work place but may be relevant in some circumstances.  See for more information)
  • Damage to property owned by a third party i.e. not owned by British Carriagedriving or a British Carriagedriving Affiliated Club?
  • Veterinary attention to any horse, pony or other animal?
  • A person threatening to make a claim against British Carriagedriving, an Affiliated Club or a member?

If the answer to all of the above questions is NO, please go back and complete the minor incident report form.


Please note the following:

  1. You must not, except at your own cost, make any admission, offer, promise or payment in connection with any accident or claim without special instructions in writing from British Carriagedriving. .

  2. All written communications or court documents made by or on behalf of a complainant or claimant and received by you, shall be forwarded to British Carriagedriving as soon as possible and not be acknowledged or answered in any way.
  3. If this form is not completed any claim cannot be investigated on your behalf.

Failure to comply with the above may result in a refusal to provide cover for the incident.

Section 1: Your Details

For the purpose of submitting this form, are you (tick one):

Section 2

Where did the incident occur?

Section 3

Was anyone injured as a result of the incident
Was the injured party:
Details of injury
Was a properly secured hard hat being worn?
Was the hat damaged?
What type of hat was worn?
Was a body/back protector being worn?
Was it damaged?
Was a trained first aider available?
First aider type
Type of ambulance
Was the ambulance able to reach the casualty
Had the casualty been moved?
Had the casualties hard hat been loosened/removed?
Did the casualty receive treatment on site?
Was the casualty allowed to continue?
Was the casualty taken to hospital?
Was there radio communication?

Section 4

Was any third party property damaged as a result of the incident?
What was damaged?

Section 5

Did the incident occur during a driven activity?
Was the carriage involved:
Details of animal involved in this incident
Was the horse/pony involved doing:
Was the accident
To your knowledge, has the animal been involved in any similar incident of this nature?
Have you received complaints about his horses behavior before?
Was the horse/pony injured?
Was veterinary treatment required?

Section 6

Was the accident reported to the police?
Was the accident reported to the health and safety executive?
Has an H & SE RIDDOR F2508 form been complted?
Witnesses to the accident


Please obtain statements from all witnesses whose details have been provide and forward these statements to [email protected] and also [email protected]

If the incident occurred at a British Carriagedriving event or Affiliated Club event please also forward:

  1. Event Risk Assessment form
  2. Entry forms for any competitors involved in the incident.
  3. Comments from the technical delegate and/or president of the jury
  4. Comments from the safety officer

If you have any other information that you believe is relevant please advise:

What to do if you are experiencing financial difficulties

We recognise that the current economic conditions are putting pressure on many households and businesses. At Howden, we are committed to finding ways to assist our customers who may require additional support during these times.

If you’re currently facing financial difficulty, please speak to us about your insurance policies by:-

-contacting your Howden Service Team; 
-calling Howden on 020 7623 3806;
-using the Enquiry form.

Our Website Terms and Conditions and Privacy Notice includes information on the scope of our service and how we will handle your data.

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