
Podcast: Recruitment and Retention: Are you brave enough to do things differently?


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Our podcast channel: Fortune Favours the Brave, is a regular podcast for business leaders exploring how businesses can harness risks and use them to their advantage. In each episode Howden will discuss a topical challenge or issue and what business leaders can do to overcome it.

Recruiting and retaining talent in the current environment is going to require many professional firms to think outside the box. Firms will need to be brave enough to do things differently, make changes to traditional recruitment and working models and the management of risk needs to adapt as part of this too.

Jenny Screech of Howden is joined by Julia Graham, Airmic CEO who has thrown down the gauntlet to professional services firms, asking them to challenge their existing workplace culture and question whether this is causing problems with their recruitment and retention of talent.

Click on the arrow below to listen to our podcast.