
Care Operators: Inquests - Managing reputational and regulatory risk: watch on demand


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Our recent webinar focusses on how care operators can manage the inquest process and preserve their reputation and further scrutiny. 

With the CQC’s focus on efforts to assist care operators during the Covid-19 pandemic, its regular inspection regime activity remains reduced for now. However, it and other enforcement authorities, will target operators where there is reported concern that service users are at risk of harm. A regular source of such reports is during an inquest following the death of a service user. Handled badly, the public nature of an inquest can be extremely damaging to your reputation and put you in the crosshairs of the regulators.

Becky Newman, Associate Director of Howden Care Division is joined by Will White, Head of Health & Safety Operations at AHR Consultants - our Health & Safety Partner, and Robert Starr, Partner at Howes Percival LLP and leading expert in health & safety cases. 

Agenda of discussion topics:

  • What is an inquest?
  • What powers does a Coroner have?
  • What are the risks to me, my staff and my business?
  • What are the common mistakes and pitfalls?
  • Why strategy and approach is extremely important!
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About AHR Consultants

AHR Consultants specialise in delivering peace of mind to our healthcare clients with cost effective and protective compliance solutions in the marketplace, including:

- Fire Risk Assessments

- Fire Evacuation Plans

- Practical Fire Safety Training; use of fire evacuation aids, use of fire extinguishers

- Carrying out fire drills including: use of fire alarm panel, understanding zone chart

- Evacuation strategies including progressive horizontal evacuation

- Compliance Audits

- Policy, procedure and risk assessment creation and review

- Other training including First Aid, Legionella, Manual Handling and many others

As the trusted Safety Partner for Howden Health & Care, AHR Consultants work to implement systems and procedures that will provide defensibility for their clients against enforcement authorities’ prosecutions or employee liability claims.

To this end their Health & Safety Management systems are signed off by our Business Defence lawyers at Howes Percival to confirm, in their legal opinion, that the system enhances defence against claims that the client failed in their duty of care, providing peace of mind to you and your service users.

If you would like any further information on our services including conducting an independent and objective audit/gap analysis of your premises and systems then please contact AHR Consultants at [email protected] or 0300 303 4401.