Download our complimentary 2024 health & wellbeing calendar

Employee Benefits & Wellbeing Consulting

Supporting employee health & wellbeing, one month at a time

Our 2024 health and wellbeing calendar has been created to help you improve the health and overall wellbeing of your employees. Each month, the calendar spotlights national health campaigns and themes, providing you with a roadmap for creating your own wellbeing initiatives throughout the year.

By aligning your workplace health and wellbeing efforts with these national campaigns, you can make the most of the momentum surrounding these topics. This not only helps your people feel more connected it also increases engagement and participation in activities.

Resources at your fingertips

To further support your employee health and wellbeing initiatives, we have embedded links to our latest wellbeing guides and articles directly within the calendar. These resources are designed to offer practical advice, tips, and insights on a wide range of topics. Simply click on the links provided for top tips and actionable strategies.

Maximising your employee benefits

Investing in employee wellbeing is not just a matter of employer responsibility, it's also a strategic business move. Healthy and happy employees tend to be more productive, engaged, and loyal. They are less likely to take sick days and more likely to contribute positively to the growth of your business.

Our 2024 health and wellbeing calendar is more than just a schedule; it's a resource that helps you to maximise the benefits of a healthier, happier, and more motivated workforce. 


Download your 2024 health & wellbeing calendar today

We are thrilled to launch our 2024 Health and Wellbeing Calendar. This calendar has been designed to help you make the most of your employee benefits programme and foster a culture of wellbeing within your organisation.

We're always here to help
