Open-air hotels

Howden can help you deal with the natural risks you face by offering insurance solutions tailored to your needs and expectations.

Quels sont les risques ?

Les Risques d'Inondation

Les inondations, souvent causées par le débordement des cours d'eau, représentent un risque important pour les campings proches de rivières ou de zones humides. Une gestion et une préparation efficaces sont essentielles pour limiter les impacts

Les Tempêtes : Un risque naturel fréquent

Les tempêtes et leurs vents violents peuvent causer des dégâts considérables aux infrastructures de plein air, notamment aux tentes, mobil-homes et structures légères.

Risque de Grêle : Protéger vos infrastructures

La grêle est un risque parfois sous-estimé, mais elle peut causer des dommages importants aux véhicules, bâtiments et équipements extérieurs.

Les Catastrophes Naturelles : Entre prévention et réactivité

Les catastrophes naturelles comme les tremblements de terre ou glissements de terrain sont moins fréquentes mais peuvent avoir un impact dévastateur sur les zones à risque. Une préparation adéquate permet de limiter les pertes humaines et matérielles.

Les garanties

  • Dommages aux biens : bâtiments et leur contenu, habitations légères de loisir (mobil homes, tentes, lodges), installations extérieures (piscines, espaces aquatiques , aires de jeux), frais de replantation, espaces vers, voiries, ouvrages de génie civil
  • Perte financière : perte d’exploitation
  • Pertes de loyers
  • Perte vénale de fonds de commerce
  • Responsabilité civile exploitation et professionnelle
  • Responsabilité civile des mandataires sociaux
  • Risque Cyber et fraude
  • Protection juridique
  • Contrat assurance annulation, assistance, rapatriement (en option)
  • Protection sociale  : assurance prévoyance, complémentaire santé, retraite de l’ensemble du personnel
  • Assurance des dirigeants hors statuts salariés (TNS)

Our clients

  • Independent campsites
  • National HPA groups operating campsites in France and abroad
  • Professional mobile home rental companies 

Why choose Howden ?

  • 20 years' experience in the outdoor hotel sector 
  • Involvement in the personalised management of claims, with support from initiation to final closure.
  • Agreements with leading French insurers, able to support you in France and throughout Europe.
  • A dedicated team with account managers specially trained to set up and manage your policies, as well as to handle claims.
  • A HOWDEN presence in France and abroad to ensure complete and professional management of your business


insured sites

30 000

insured mobile homes


years of insurance experience in the HPA sector

Frequently asked questions

To claim on your insurance contract in the event of a claim, follow these steps:

  1. Report your claim: Contact us as soon as possible to report the claim.
  2. Prepare your supporting documents: Prepare and provide all the necessary documents, such as proof of damage, invoices and expert reports.
  3. Follow our instructions for handling and processing your claim.

Our strength lies in our involvement in the personalised management of claims, with support from initiation to final closure.

Howden can help you insure against climate-related risks:

  1. Risk Assessment: identifying the weather risks specific to your business and location.
  2. Choice of Cover: identifying the insurance and insurer covering weather-related damage (floods, storms, etc.).
  3. Personal advice: consult a Howden expert for a solution tailored to your needs.

Hôtellerie de Plein Air (HPA) insurance, developed by our experts since 2005 in a fast-growing French market, offers comprehensive cover against frequent natural hazards.

  • Property damage : Buildings, Contents, Light leisure accommodation (HLL), Outdoor facilities: green spaces, planting, aquatic areas (swimming pools, waterslides, etc.)
  • Financial loss, operating loss
  • Loss of market value of business assets
  • Civil liability
  • Optional cancellation insurance policy


Photo of Xavier Turgis

Xavier Turgis

Director of the Open Air Hotels sector
Photo of Xavier Turgis

Xavier Turgis

Director of the Open Air Hotels sector