Heavy Equipment insurance

Plant and machinery are notoriously expensive, and damage to equipment during a project can result in huge unexpected costs. Heavy Equipment insurance covers damage to owned or leased machinery like excavators, diggers, forklifts, dumpers, mixers, rollers, and more.

Heavy equipment comes with a heavy price tag, but you don't have to bear the burden alone.

What is Heavy Equipment insurance?

Heavy Equipment insurance is an all-risks insurance policy covering any owned or rented plant used in construction and maintenance projects. All-risks means exactly that: it covers any risk or peril apart from those specifically excluded in the policy wording. If it isn’t named, it’s covered.

The policy covers electrical and mechanical equipment against physical damage. You can choose to insure specific pieces of machinery or all of your equipment, at one location or across multiple sites.

Protect your project's most expensive assets from the unexpected

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