Sport Horse insurance


Specialist sport horse insurance with high cover limits

From eventers to showjumpers and dressage horses, through to cutting and reining horses, we can access the high limits of cover you need.

As specialists in sport horses, our dedicated team have in-depth knowledge about the equine world.  You will always be able to talk to someone who understands your requirements and the unique set of risks that is involved with competition and travelling valuable horses around the country.

What we cover

  • Reining
  • Eventing
  • Cutting
  • Dressage
  • Show Jumping
  • Showing
  • Western
  • Campdrafting
  • Cowhorse
  • Western Performance
  • Western Pleasure
  • Polo and Polo Crosse

What we do

  • All Risks Mortality
  • Theft
  • Transit
  • Prospective Foal
  • Life Saving Surgery
  • Loss Of Use
  • Stallion Total & Permanent Disability 

Premium funding

Monthly premium instalment payments available through Hunter Premium Funding and Attvest Finance.

Claims that don’t make you jump fences

Our claims process is designed to be as easy and worry-free as possible. To get you to the result you’re looking at with the minimum of worry.   

Our-claims team: 

  • Is in-house. They’re a part of our team. No outsourcing or passing your claim direct to the insurer. You’ll know exactly who you need to call on our team when you have to make a claim.  
  • Are specialists. Like the rest of our team, our claims team only deals with equine cover. They understand how to present your claim to insurers in a way that can maximise your chances of success.  
  • Is always there to help. You shouldn’t feel like you’re making a claim by yourself. Whether it’s guidance on what (and what not) to include in your initial request, or just help chasing your insurer for a pay-out, our claims team is there to help.   

And because we all work together as a single team, you won’t have to worry about being passed around to an ‘external’ department, or having to explain your whole situation from scratch each time you get in touch.  

Our claims team will already know who you are, and they’ll be able to act quickly on your behalf.   

Partnerships and sponsorships

Howden Equine has partnerships and sponsorships with a wide range of associations including -

Reining Australia
Australian National Dressage Championships 
Willinga Park Seasoned partner 
Australasia Team Roping National Finals 
Texas Star Performance Horses Campdraft 
Tropicana Classic 
Australian Showjumping Championships 
Dressage and Jumping With The Stars

Meet the team

Photo of Maggie Johnston

Maggie Johnston

Associate Equine
Photo of Fergus Deacon

Fergus Deacon

Claims Manager

Ready when you are

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You can also call us on Freecall 1300 145 830, or email us at [email protected].

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