Employee Benefits
More value for your employees without breaking your budget
Protecting your company’s greatest assets – your employees.
Support a healthy, happy and productive workforce with a sustainable employee benefits programme.
At Howden, our specialists are renowned for their market-leading expertise and creative approach to benefit design. We take the stress away from your HR day to day. From handling employee enquiries and training to settling claims disputes, we’ve got you covered throughout.
For anyone who is serious about attracting and retaining talent, having an employee benefits insurance programme that people truly value – and communicating it properly – is essential.
Could your employee benefits insurance programme deliver more benefit for your budget? Many employee benefits offerings are actually inherited from a previous HR manager.
Decisions as to why the packages are set up that way are long forgotten. Fresh eyes, deep experience and up-to-the-minute market knowledge can make a big difference in the business value you achieve with your budget.
A simple employee benefits review exercise with Howden can help you get more for your money, boost productivity in your team and push ahead of the competition.
SUTD Testimonial
As an award-winning broker. We help forward-thinking businesses with creative strategies for a healthy, happy and productive workforce.
Around 1 in 3 Singapore workers are looking for a new job – with pay and benefits cited as the #1 reason to leave. Having the employee benefits that people value most is crucial to a progressive company.
What makes a good employee benefits insurance programme?
1) Telemedicine - online medical consultations;
2) Tangibly showing employees you care
3) Efficient - with minimal admin burden
4) Meaningful analytics giving real insights
5) Electronic claims submission and tracking
6) Employee apps to manage medical benefits
7) Dedicated portal for HR professionals
8) Wellness and health initiatives
9) Sustainable for the long term
And always, always…
1) Review
2) Re-evaluate
3) Optimise
There are many more options available, we can design programmes bespoke to your needs. We benchmark against competitors in your sector, supporting you in building a workplace you can be proud of.
Review your employee benefits insurance programme
What would a thorough analysis of your employee benefits insurance programme reveal? Do people use them? Does the business see a positive effect? Is it worth revisiting the offering to see if you could get better value another way?
More peace, less premium
Want your people to have greater peace of mind? Don’t want to pay more for it? We can work out comprehensive bespoke employee benefits insurance programmes at a sustainable competitive price.
The emphasis is always on quality rather than price – never cutting corners, always buying smart. The last thing we’d want to do a deal that’s cheap but has nasty surprises for your people when they try to claim.
Using claims analytics to solve business problems
We can help you introduce initiatives to improve the health of your workforce and reduce the root causes of claims. For example, deep claims analytics could reveal a lot of your claims relate back to stress. We can help you review the situation and find solutions, helping cut unnecessary stress to improve productivity and wellbeing at the same time.
Speak to us about how other companies are using these insights.
Communications support – if employees don’t know, then there’s no benefit
Is your team communicating the benefits offering well? In terms of attracting and retaining staff, communication is crucial – and frequently overlooked.
You cannot simply buy the employee benefits insurance and assume your work is done.
We are happy to run workshops and provide bespoke handbooks, even training your recruiters and hiring managers to ‘sell’ your company to prospective employees.
Singapore's highest-ranking broker
We’ve been the highest-ranking broker in the "Best Employee Benefits Insurance Provider" category at the HR Vendor of the Year awards for the past three years!
MediHub: the employee self-serve solution
Access panel clinics, medical concierge, claims management and processing all from a single app.
Make life easier for your employeesWhy switch Employee Benefits provider?
Is your policy up to date and optimised? When was the last time it got reviewed? Do you know that many existing policies are inherited from previous HR manager and the reasons why the programmes were set up that way are long forgotten.