Equine insurance
From the gallops to the show ring - you ride, we protect.

Tailored horse and pony insurance
Our experience and passion for horses helps to financially safeguard your business, without you having to pay over the odds for your premiums.
We’ve helped provide bespoke risk solutions and wide market access to a range of different clients across the equine industry, including:
- Riding schools
- Livery yards
- Freelance instructors
- Studs
- Racehorse trainers
- High net worth private clients
- Major breeding and racing operations around the world
- Equestrian associations
- Fellow brokers (wholesale)
Our existing clients range in size from small riding schools right the way up to million-dollar global breeding and racing operations.
Our Equine team cares about horses as much as you do. We’re the official Insurance Partner of the Pony Club, a sponsor of Royal Ascot, and our founder David Howden is the founder and president of the Cornbury House Horse Trials.
We’re embedded in the Equine world because we love it.
What do we do?
Designing a bespoke policy is about selecting the cover you need, while making sure you don’t overpay for cover you don’t.
Below, you’ll see some of the different types of cover we offer across our equine and bloodstock division:
Employers liability
Employers liability insurance will cover you financially if you need to pay legal fees or compensation to employees that make a claim of negligence against you or your business.
Public liability
If a member of the public makes a claim against you, such as an injury they suffer at one of your events, you could be held legally liable. Public liability cover is designed to offer financial protection for legal fees and compensation if this happens.
Buildings and Contents
As the name suggests, this cover will help pay for the repair of damage to your various buildings and any contents.
All-risk mortality
This insurance covers the value of one of your horses in the event of their death due to accident, illness, sickness or disease.
First Season Infertility
Buying an unproven stallion is a costly investment and not without risk. If the stallion turns out to be infertile, the value will significantly reduce. First season infertility insurance protects your financial investment.
Stallion infertility
If one of your stallions becomes infertile due to accident, illness, sickness or disease and is no longer able to breed, you may suffer financial losses. Stallion infertility cover is designed to help you.
Life-saving surgical fees
If the worst happens and your horse needs to undergo life-saving surgery, this type of cover can help you meet the resulting costs.
Prospective foal
Unfortunately, failed pregnancies do happen, and again, they can lead to financial losses. Prospective foal insurance is designed to help you mitigate those losses.
Broodmare barrenness
Typically taken out alongside prospective foal insurance, this can help cover you against losses that arise if your broodmare does not get in foal during the breeding season or does not carry a foal to full term.
Vet fees
Vet costs are a part of the equine business, and it’s almost impossible to tell when those costs will hit you. Vet fee cover means that when those surprises hit, you will be protected.
Loss of use
What happens if you buy a horse for a specific purpose – and due to a subsequent injury or illness, they're no longer able to meet that purpose? Loss of use insurance will cover you if this situation causes you financial losses.
Horse owners’ liability
If an incident occurs and your horse is involved, you may be liable. Horse owners’ liability can help you meet legal expenses and cover any damages.
Don’t worry if you don’t see the specific cover you’re looking for here. It certainly doesn’t mean we can’t help you.
We’re problem solvers first and foremost. Please do get in touch.

We also offer a range of specialist cover for equestrian associations
Combined Liability to cover all the integral parts of your association including employees, volunteers, officials, judges, committee members and anyone else involved in the running of the association.
Group Public Liability for members - This offers financial cover should a member of the public make a claim against an individual member due to their equestrian activities.
Group Personal Accident for members - If a member of your association suffers an accident at an event, this cover will ensure pays out fixed sums related to the severity of the injury.
Directors’ and Officers’ insurance - Your senior team could be liable for a personal claim against them, from a member or from the public. Directors’ and Officers’ insurance will cover related legal costs and any compensation that results.
Group Travel - Travel insurance can cover a range of unexpected costs that occur while your people are travelling on association business or attending events.
Howden are proud to be the broker of choice for The Pony Club, Riding For The Disabled, The Point to Point Authority and many more.

Discretion is paramount
There are times where we’ve been asked if we can provide cover to clients who’ve made a purchase, but want to keep the identity of the asset anonymous to avoid publicity. We’re able to provide a discreet service in such cases. We’ll take the information you are happy to provide to market, and take the time to get you the appropriate coverage and premium with an indicative quote based on what we know.
Then, if you’re happy to proceed, we can finalise a quotation for you, leaving the sensitive details to the very last moment.
Claims that don’t make you jump fences
Our claims process is designed to be as easy and worry-free as possible. To get you to the result you’re looking at with the minimum of worry.
Our-claims team:
- Is in-house. They’re a part of our team. No outsourcing or passing your claim direct to the insurer. You’ll know exactly who you need to call on our team when you have to make a claim.
- Are specialists. Like the rest of our team, our claims team only deals with equine cover. They understand how to present your claim to insurers in a way that can maximise your chances of success.
- Is always there to help. You shouldn’t feel like you’re making a claim by yourself. Whether it’s guidance on what (and what not) to include in your initial request, or just help chasing your insurer for a pay-out, our claims team is there to help.
And because we all work together as a single team, you won’t have to worry about being passed around to an ‘external’ department, or having to explain your whole situation from scratch each time you get in touch.
Our claims team will already know who you are, and they’ll be able to act quickly on your behalf.