
23rd World Congress on Safety and Health at Work


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The 23rd World Congress on Safety and Health at Work held in Sydney in November 2023 marked a pivotal moment for global Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) experts.

Among the myriad discussions and workshops, Howden was privileged to lead From Psychosocial Risk Compliance to an ESG Strategy in which the participants delved into the intricacies of defining social issues “S” within the construct of Environmental Social Governance (ESG).

The workshop facilitated by Howden aimed to tackle the pressing issue of greenwashing in ESG, where companies make sweeping sustainability claims without evidence. While the focus on environmental aspects of ESG is prevalent, the workshop shed light on the often-overlooked "S" - social issues. With the rise of "safe washing" akin to greenwashing, there's a growing need to address social issues in tandem with environmental concerns. Howden's workshop, titled 'From psychosocial risk compliance to an ESG strategy: A strengths-based solution,' positioned the "S" as a critical component in defining how governments and organisations safeguard both the environment and people.

Through collaborative efforts with delegates, Howden aimed to define social governance within a preventive framework, emphasising prevention, protection, promotion, and support. This proactive approach resonated with the World Congress's ethos of prioritising harm prevention in OSH initiatives. The workshop's collaborative approach yielded invaluable insights from delegates across various regions. From recommendations on prevention and protection to innovative support programs, delegates offered a diverse array of solutions to address social issues in the workplace and beyond.

Key reflections from the workshop underscored the importance of government leadership, fostering a culture of prevention, and providing support for businesses of all sizes.

By defining employers' roles, promoting social responsibility, and embracing flexible frameworks, organisations can navigate the evolving landscape of social governance effectively.

Ultimately, Howden's workshop exemplified the power of collaboration in shaping the future of social governance. By harnessing collective expertise and adopting a preventive approach, stakeholders can pave the way for a safer, more sustainable global system of work. As the world continues to grapple with complex social and environmental challenges, initiatives like Howden's workshop offer a roadmap for driving meaningful change. By prioritising social issues within the ESG framework, we can collectively work towards building a more resilient, equitable, and prosperous future for all.

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