Bankers Blanket Bond

Bankers blanket bond (BBB), also known as a blanket fidelity bond, is an insurance policy that covers a bank for risks related to fraud and dishonesty.  Howden's financial risk consultants provide risk management support based on claims trends and insights, helping you stay one step ahead of financial crime. 

Bankers blanket bond is a highly tailorable risk management solution, intended to protect against clearly defined definitions of financial loss.  

It’s useful in scenarios where a criminal element is working against the interests of the bank. For example, check fraud or bank robbery. Employee dishonesty that works in the bank’s favour, e.g. to make an institution look more profitable, is one example of fraud that wouldn’t be covered.

We will help you design a policy with the precise blend of insuring clauses to suit your needs.

Policy options

a) Full or partial coverage

Choose whether you want to cover 100% of your risk or just certain elements of it.

b) Variable Limit of Liability

Tailor your policy to suit your requirements, with no unnecessary extras.

c) Variable deductible

Select the level of your deductible, to match your risk appetite. 

Plus, 24/7 claims line

Financial crime never sleeps, so neither does our claims line. We'll be there for you whenever you need us.

For comprehensive protection you will need coverage for:

1. Employee fraud or dishonesty 

Financial loss arising from dishonest acts by your employees

2. Cyber and computer crime

Covers losses from dishonest acts committed using computers, either by employees, outsiders or both in collusion. See our cyber capabilities in detail.  

3. Hold-ups and robbery 

Covers bank robbery, including robbery by non-employees and employees. 

4. Premises cover

Loss of property or funds resulting from theft, unexplained disappearance, damage, destruction or misplacement.

5. Damages to offices and content

Damage to furniture, fittings and equipment during a burglary, theft, hold-up etc.

6. Transit cover 

Global coverage for loss or damage to property. Includes transits conducted by employees, courier services and registered post.  

7. Forged checks  

Covers losses from forgery or fraudulent alteration of cheques, bills of exchange, drafts, acceptances, withdrawal orders, certificates of deposit, letters of credit and money orders.

8. Forged securities

Any securities not covered above - and not insured under other policies – can be covered under BBB. It’s your broker’s job to help you find the most cost-effective options. Give us a call. 

9. Counterfeit currency 

Financial losses resulting from forged notes or coins taken in good faith at your premises.

Who does Howden arrange cover with? 

Howden access a wide variety of participating insurers, connecting with both local markets and the Lloyds of London market, in order to provide maximum financial stability. 

Concerning cyber cover, we enjoy privileged access to over 40 insurance providers all of which have deep experience in global cyber and tech professional indemnity risks. 

Many banks severely underestimate their total sum insured. To discuss how to calculate the total sum insured more accurately, speak to a Howden broker today.

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Bespoke lean cover needs the expert touch

Call us on +603 9213 0606 or drop us a quick message and we'll get back to you asap

Visit us at: Level 27, Menara Etiqa No. 3 Jalan Bangsar Utama 1, 59000 Kuala Lumpur

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