Jewellers Block and Fine Arts Insurance

Jewellers Block and Fine Arts Insurance

For Jewelry, Golds, Diamonds, Precious Stones, Watches, Pearls, Silvers, Metals of all kinds and the like including Coins

  1. Stock on premises (owned/consigned/customers’ goods)
  2. Stock kept in Safe Deposit vault
  3. Goods on consignment - Jeweler in the trade including Auction Houses
  4. Personal conveyance/Travels
  5. Exhibition/Trade Show/Private Event
  6. Wearing Risk – Fashion Show
  7. Sendings– Thai Post, FedEx, DHL, UPS, Kerry, Flash etc.

Please contact:
Supitchaya Piyapant
Mobile: + 66 (8) 9890 8736
Email: [email protected]


For Paintings, Non-Fragile/Fragile Sculptures, Porcelain, Museums, Sculptures, Books

  • Stock on premises (Museums, Gallery etc.)
  • Private Collections
  • Worldwide Transits
  • Domestic Transits
  • Installations/De-installations

Please contact:
Supitchaya Piyapant 
Mobile: + 66 (8) 9890 8736
Email: [email protected]