Howden Care Providers

Howden Care Provider

Are you a provider? We are looking forward to working with you.

You already know us

Howden Care may be a new TPA to New Zealand, but our people are not. On average, our claims managers have an average of 15 years’ experience in the injury management and health sector. 

Howden's values are people first, and the injured or unwell person we are supporting is at the heart of everything we do. We believe that a holistic approach to rehab and recovery leads to better, faster and more sustainable outcomes. And we know that partnering with like-minded providers is critical to achieve the best results – so if you’re on the same page as us when it comes to rehab and recovery, we’d love to work with you!

Our services

Work Injury Case Management

We provide Case Management services for Accredited Employers in the ACC AEP (Accredited Employer Programme). Each employer has a dedicated service team looking after their work injuries. The employer is responsible for paying for all treatment costs related to claims, and Howden Care makes payment to providers on their behalf. Some employers will pay surcharges over and above the ACC regulated costs, if you aren’t sure whether the person’s employer pays surcharges please check with them or call us.

Non-Work Case Management

Howden Care holds a contract directly with ACC to manage accepted ACC claims for the Accredited Employer’s people that occur outside of work and result in more than 7 days off lost time or alternative duties. ACC continues to pay all claim related costs associated with these injuries.

Illness and Mental Health Support

Our unique Case Management model doesn’t end at injuries, we also provide support services for people who may need assistance staying at or returning to work after a health or mental health related issue. Employers can refer their people to us for this service and will pre-approve costs related to the management of their case. 

Early Intervention

Howden Care’s Early Intervention services are designed to proactively support employees with physical discomfort, stress/mental health concerns and change or trauma in the workplace. Employers can refer their people to us for this service and will pre-approve costs related to the management of their case.

Getting in touch

The quickest way to get in touch is to call the Howden Care Case Manager looking after the person you are providing treatment/services for. If you have received correspondence from us, the name of the Case Manager will be on the bottom of the email or letter. 

If you don’t know who the Case Manager is, you can get in touch with us in the following ways:

Freephone number: 0800 083 227
For claims formally held with Gallagher Bassett Injury Management please call 0508 333 999 .

Email address: [email protected] 
Email address for ACC45 claim forms: [email protected] 

Postal address: PO Box: PO Box 784, Shortland Street, Auckland, 1140

Getting paid for your services

Submitting invoices for payment

Please send invoices to [email protected] making sure they are sent individually, or per person. Please do not send invoices relating to multiple people in the same email or PDF. If you have any questions about the invoicing and payment process please contact us on the above details.

Please DO NOT send ACC45 claim forms to the above email address. If you have an ACC45 claim form to submit, please send this to [email protected]. This ensures that we are able to provide assistance to the injured person as quickly as possible.

Your invoice must be addressed to Howden Care and include the following information: 

  • Your business trading name and address
  • If registered for GST, it must include the terms 'Tax Invoice' and 'GST Number'
  • Invoice Date    
  • Claimant/patient name    
  • Howden Care Claim number    
  • ACC45 number if applicable
  • Session/treatment date    
  • Service description including ACC regulated service codes    
  • Clearly identified surcharges
  • GST amount (if applicable) and total due

If it does not include all the information it will be returned to you for amendment. 

Invoices for non-work claims

While the treatment may have been approved by a Howden Care Case Manager, all invoices for services and treatment provided on non-work claims should be sent directly to ACC. If you have any questions about this please contact the Case Manager looking after the claim. 

We're always here to help

Drop us a message below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

You can also call us on Freecall 0800 083 227, or email us directly [email protected]
For claims formally with Gallagher Bassett Injury Management please call 0508 333 999.

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