Health & wellbeing services
Helping you look after your people
We know it’s not just injuries that impact on your people, and as an employer it’s hard to know how to help.
Our Health Services are designed to help you help your people, whether that be through a programme focussing on early intervention for pain and discomfort issues, through to case management support for someone returning to work after cancer treatment or mental health issues, and everything in between.
Applying the same unique case management approach we use to manage injuries, each person is looked after by a highly skilled Case Manager who is responsible for assessing the person’s individual needs and co-ordinating treatment and assessments.
As with all Howden Care’s case management services, the focus is on people helping people.
Our available services
- Early Intervention Support
- Wellbeing Case Management
- Change support
- Wellbeing Services
Early Intervention Support
Howden Care’s Early Intervention services are designed to proactively support employees with physical discomfort, stress/mental health concerns and change or trauma in the workplace. Our case management approach ensures that the employee gets appropriate advice, support and referral to the right provider at the right time. The goal is to identify issues early, keep employees at work, reduce the number of work injury claims lodged, give you confidence that your people are well supported and ultimately save you time and money.
Wellbeing Case Management
Our Case Managers work closely with people facing a wide range of personal challenges, helping develop a co-ordinated recovery pathway that takes into account their individual circumstances and needs. Some examples are:
- Help with coming back to work after surgery for a condition that was not covered under an ACC claim
- Returning to work after treatment for cancer
- Support to stay working while dealing with a mental health issue (likely to be reduced hours/tasks)
- Supporting people experiencing workplace bullying
- Family challenges such as health, divorce, grief, supporting an unwell family member whilst continuing to work
- Assistance navigating public health when required
- Employees taking or who have previously taken family violence leave
The Case Manager is able to tap into a wide variety of resources to assist each person on their journey, whether this be an Occupational Medicine Specialist, Psychiatrist, Vocational provider or Physiotherapist to name a few.
Change support
Case management support for employees experiencing change either due to their own circumstances, or related to a business/leadership decision at work. Examples are:
- Restructure
- Merger
- Acquisition
- Office move
- Parental leave (paternity & maternity)
- Retirement
- Medical retirement
- Menopause
- Redundancy
Using our unique case management model delivered by highly competent case managers, each employee referred for the service will have a plan tailored to their individual needs. The aim may be to keep an employee engaged in workplace during the change, or it may be supporting them with a transition to the next step in their career or out of their current employment.
Wellbeing Services
Consultancy service to support you with health and wellbeing in the workplace. Starting with a deep dive into your health and wellbeing journey, providing guidance and development of bespoke health and wellbeing support programmes that align with your overall wellbeing journey.
Why partner with Howden Care?
We are experts with an average of 20 years employee health and claims management experience – we are passionate, innovative and solution focused who work closely with our clients to deliver results.
Our tailored health and injury management programs are able to grow with your business – we deliver a single service to a full people risk offering based on your needs now, and as these change into the future.
We help you understand your risk profile, work out what you already do well, and where there may be opportunities for improvement in managing your people risk.
Our services are driven by an industry-leading data intelligence and analytics platform – with the ability to demonstrate identify insights into your injury and illness trends. You will be able to prevent future claims, effectively track interventions and highlight return on investment.