Cyber risk mapping
Cyber risk affects everyone equally, and preventing it with absolute certainty is impossible. Thus, it is important to analyse what happens in the event that a cyber-attack succeeds. Performing a trustworthy analysis requires a wide range of understanding within the company in regards to cyber risk management, as well as imagination for the many different ways an attack might happen.
At Howden, we have developed our Cyber Risk Mapping process, in which we efficiently combine the knowledge of IT experts and key business persons into a complete overview of the most critical risks to your business.
In order to evaluate the most significant cyber risks, we efficiently collect and combine the necessary information about your organisation and create a clear Cyber Risk Profile, which eases the challenge of understanding the big picture. The cyber risk mapping process evaluates the impact of the most significant risks to business operations and profits.
With Howden’s cyber risk mapping, you will be able to answer to the following questions:
- In what ways does cyber risk manifest itself in your organisation?(Data leaks, liability to stakeholders, business interruption, additional expenses, reputation management, operational disruption, possible damages to property or individuals, dependence on suppliers)
- How do the most significant risks affect business?
- How are they currently managed, and what improvements are recommended for the future?
In the cyber risk mapping process, Howden’s experts identify and evaluate your company’s rop cyber risks and create a working strategy customised to your company’s characteristics. The need for insurance is also evaluated as part of the mapping process. As a result of the cyber risk mapping, you receive a prioritised and clear cyber risk profile, which includes our recommended risk management measures.
The advantages of Howden’s cyber risk mapping are a flexible working strategy and an approach that covers the most critical risks to your business.
Protect your business
Cyber insurance means Howden is right by your side, before during and after your incident.