
Howden proudly sponsors the 23rd Annual "AIRDC" International Conference


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Howden is honored and delighted to sponsor the 23rd "AIRDC" International Conference, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and providing direction for the global insurance industry as it adapts to the challenges of the digital era.

Howden played a significant role in organizing the 23rd international conference of the Association of Insurers and Reinsurers of Developing Countries (AIRDC), held from October 6-9, 2024, at the Intercontinental Hotel Bangkok.


Jittiwut Sasibutra CEO of Howden Maxi is honored to be a part of this event, with over 350 attendees from various sectors including regulators, insurance companies, life insurance companies, reinsurers, and industry experts from around the world. This involvement emphasizes the importance of collaboration, building strong relationships, and sharing knowledge and experiences to strengthen the insurance industry in the digital age.'


The conference featured various seminars with distinguished speakers worldwide. Mark Lynch, Director of Cyber Insurance at Howden Re, shared insights on cyber insurance's impact on the insurance industry in the digital era. He also discussed in-depth knowledge and trends in cyber insurance, including the current state of the market, underwriting challenges, and growth opportunities, aiming to enhance understanding of key issues and future growth prospects for both general and life insurance businesses.


Topics discussed included the transformation of insurance, the next wave of insurance, multi-model agricultural insurance, AI-driven insurance, natural disaster risk management, and ESG insights for sustainable insurance practices. Additionally, a donation of 150,000 THB was made to UNICEF Thailand to support child health, nutrition, sanitation, and well-being efforts in the country.