
More and more Norwegian companies are establishing offices outside of Norway. Howden is experiencing increasing demand from customers who want an overview of coverage and regulations for employees stationed abroad. Therefore, Howden has also established a team that handles inquiries regarding employees stationed abroad, third-country employees, and employees on secondment agreements. The group consists of experts in the fields of personal injury and pensions.

An agreement for posting abroad depends on various factors that must be mapped out before departure. This includes the posting location itself, with local coverage and risk factors, duration of stay, and whether the family should be included and insured. It should be clear to the employee what coverage he or she has as a person stationed abroad.

Howden assists our customers with:

  • Review of current regulations for a posting abroad, including membership in the Norwegian national insurance (NAV).
  • Proposals for coverage for the person posted abroad.
  • Establishment and operation.

If the employee does not qualify for membership in NAV during their stay abroad, he or she will no longer have rights under the National Insurance Scheme. Voluntary membership in the National Insurance Scheme can be expensive for the company. We have developed our own concept that compensates for the lack of membership in NAV.

We have handled various solutions for employees posted abroad for almost 30 years and have knowledge of both the Norwegian and international insurance markets. As part of Howden Group, we can use local partners in the international network.

Among our customers' employees, there are approximately 250 employees stationed abroad in over 20 countries. In addition, Howden manages a pension scheme for foreign seafarers, which includes nearly 2 000 members.

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+47 40 00 63 12

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Call us on + 47 40 00 63 12 or drop us a quick message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

You can also visit us at Wergelandsveien 1-3, 0167 Oslo, Norway and Christian Michelsens gate 6b, 5012 Bergen, Norway

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