Defined contribution pension
A good pension scheme is important for attracting skilled employees and retaining the right expertise in the company. We help establish a pension scheme that is well adapted to your business.
In Norway, around 1.6 million employees are members of a defined contribution pension scheme, making it the most widespread type of pension scheme in the private sector. There are a number of defined contribution pension providers, each with different terms and costs. Howden has extensive experience in evaluating provider strengths and weaknesses, so that our customers always have the necessary information to choose coverages and providers.
Retirement pension
Choosing contribution rates can be difficult because it is not easy to assess the company's pension costs today versus the employee's pension income in the future. We assist your company with calculations that show the economic effects of the pension scheme for both the employer and employees.
The employees' future pensions will be largely determined by the return on their own pension capital. It is therefore important to ensure good asset management. We provide your company with an overview of providers' asset management strategy and returns, as well as the management costs that the company is required to pay.
To ensure that employees receive the most pension for the money invested in the pension scheme, it is important that they are informed about the opportunities to influence their own future pension. We contribute to making the pension scheme a valuable employee benefit and increase employees' knowledge of their own pension scheme.
Risk coverages
A good pension scheme provides employees with financial security as a retiree. The pension scheme can also ensure financial security for the company's employees and their families in unforeseen events such as prolonged illness or death. Our expertise in products such as contribution and premium exemption, disability, spouse, cohabitant, and child pension allows us to guide your business to important and cost-effective solutions for employees.If a member is only receiving disability benefits from the National Insurance Scheme, their income can be more than halved. A good disability pension plan through an employer can supplement the disability benefits employees receive from the government and provide good security in their everyday life. Similarly, survivors can have their financial burden eased if the company establishes survivor coverage for their employees.
As an employee, you will not be taxed on the employer's costs for risk coverages.
Advisory concept
We actively contribute to ensuring our clients always have favorable insurance coverage and competitive premiums. We provide professional advice and services that help create value through quality assurance and resource optimization.
Cost reductions
Defined contribution pension plans are often presented as a simple product. However, it is difficult for businesses to get a complete overview of the costs associated with the pension plan. We help increase this understanding for you as a decision-maker in the company. Our strong market position ensures that our customers achieve significant cost reductions and have the best conditions.
Howden's customers are ensured a time- and cost-efficient management of the pension plan. Revision of costs and conditions is an important and demanding task that we perform for our customers. We also prepare forecasts for budget purposes and provide information and advice to the company's decision-makers and employees. We furthermore help in highlighting the pension plan as an important employee benefit.