General terms & conditions
Terms and Conditions
Howden Estonia is operating in the field of insurance brokerage pursuant to the Insurance Activities Act and has been included in the list of insurance brokers, which can be accessed on the website on the website or finance inspection by address Sakala 4, 15030 Tallinn.
The purpose of the enclosed general terms and conditions of a brokerage contract is to define the rights and obligations of Howden Estonia and the company’s clients in brokerage of insurance contracts and provision of other insurance broker’s services.
Terms and conditions 28.02.2014 (Updated 05.09.2022) (Maaklerilepingu üldtingimused) >>>
Info bulletin (Teabeleht) >>>
Customer data processing principles (Kliendiandmete töötlemise põhimõtted) >>>
Kahjuabi teabeleht >>>
Terms of claims Kahjuabi tingimused >>>
Annual Report / Aastaaruanded
Annual Report (Aastaaruanne 2015) >>>
Annual Report (Aastaaruanne 2016) >>>
Annual Report (Aastaaruanne 2017) >>>
Annual Report (Aastaaruanne 2018) >>>
Annual Report (Aastaaruanne 2019) >>>
Annual Report (Aastaaruanne 2020) >>>
Annual Report (Aastaaruanne 2021) >>>
Annual Report (Aastaaruanne 2022) >>>
Annual Report (Aastaaruanne 2023) >>>
Piirangud ja välistused:
Restrictions and exclusions:
Liikluskindlustus /
Motor third party liability insurance
ERGO >>>
Seesam >>>
Seesam + >>>
PZU >>>
Salva >>>
BTA >>>
Elama >>>
If >>>
LHV >>>
Balcia >>>
Gjensidige >>>
Kaskokindlustus / Motor Hull Insurance
ERGO >>>
Seesam >>>
PZU >>>
BTA >>>
Salva >>>
Gjensidige >>>
If >>>
LHV >>>
Balcia >>>
Kodukindlustus / Home Insurance
ERGO >>>
Seesam >>>
PZU >>>
BTA >>>
Salva >>>
Gjensidige >>>
If >>>
LHV >>>
Balcia >>>
Ettevõtte varakindlustus / Commercial property
ERGO >>>
Seesam >>>
PZU >>>
BTA >>>
Salva >>>
Gjensidige >>>
If >>>
LHV (hetkel täitsa puudu) >>>
Reisikindlustus / Travel Insurance
ERGO >>>
Seesam >>>
PZU >>>
BTA >>>
Salva >>>
Gjensidige >>>
If >>>
Balcia >>>
Õnnetusjuhtumikindlustus /
Personal Accident Insurance
ERGO >>>
Seesam >>>
PZU >>>
BTA >>>
Salva >>>
Gjensidige >>>
If >>>
Balcia >>>
Erialase tegevuse vastutuskindlustus /
Professional activities liability
ERGO >>>
PZU >>>
BTA >>>
Salva >>>
Gjensidige >>>
If >>>
Tervisekindlustus / Health insurance
ERGO ettevõtte töötajatele >>>mitteresidendile >>>residendile >>>
BTA >>>
Seesam >>>
If >>>
LHV >>>
Üld vastutuskindlustus / General third party liability insurance
ERGO >>>
Seesam >>>
PZU >>>
Salva >>>
BTA >>>
If >>>
LHV >>>
Tööandja vastutuskindlustus / Employer’s liability insurance:
ERGO >>>
Seesam >>>
PZU >>>
Salva >>>
BTA >>>
If >>>
LHV >>>
Korteriühistukindlustus / Apartment association liability insurance:
Procedure for reviewing and settling the claims of insurance broker’s clients
The aim of the procedure established by Howden Estonia is the clear, unambiguous and operative regulation of processing and settling of the claims filed by clients (policyholders).
Procedure for reviewing and settling the claims of insurance broker’s clients >>>
Klientide kaebusteläbivaatamise ja lahendamise kord >>>
Important links
Estonian Insurance Brokers Association >>>
Finance inspection >>>