Accident reporting

It is important that Howden and The Pony Club know about accidents and injuries to everyone involved in Pony Club activities, including Members, Parents, Guardians, Volunteers, Officials, Staff and Members of the public, whether they occur during Pony Club events, or for Members, if they happen elsewhere while riding or with horses.
In accordance with Pony Club safety procedures, ALL injury accidents, no matter how minor, serious near misses and damage to property must be recorded using the Online Accident Report Form. See links below.
Please note this page is not for third parties with a grievance against The Pony Club or a Pony Club member. If you have reason to believe you may have a valid claim against The Pony Club please contact the Howden Claims team at [email protected] or call 01234 408610.
Please also contact Howden if you are a volunteer who has been injured during the course of your duties at an Area or National competition and believe you may be eligible to claim under the personal accident policy.