Accident reporting

It is important that Howden and The Pony Club know about accidents and injuries to everyone involved in Pony Club activities, including Members, Parents, Guardians, Volunteers, Officials, Staff and Members of the public, whether they occur during Pony Club events, or for Members, if they happen elsewhere while riding or with horses.

In accordance with Pony Club safety procedures, ALL injury accidents, no matter how minor, serious near misses and damage to property must be recorded using the Online Accident Report Form. See links below.  

Please note this page is not for third parties with a grievance against The Pony Club or a Pony Club member.  If you have reason to believe you may have a valid claim against The Pony Club please contact the Howden Claims team at [email protected] or call 01234 408610

Please also contact Howden if you are a volunteer who has been injured during the course of your duties at an Area or National competition and believe you may be eligible to claim under the personal accident policy.

Need to report an Accident?

Accident Form 

This form is only for use for Members who have an accident outside of a Pony Club organised event.  

Did the Incident result in:

 - An injury, no matter how minor.
 - Damage to property.
 - A Near Miss, where there was no injury or damage, but it could have been serious.

Please complete this form if you answered Yes to any of the above.

Type of Membership
What type of membership do you hold?
Weather Conditions
Where did it happen?
Was any third-party property damaged as a result of the accident?
What was damaged?
Was a horse involved in the Accident?
Was the horse being:
To your knowledge, has the horse been involved in a similar accident of this nature?
Was the horse/pony injured?
Was Veterinary treatment required?
Was another horse/pony involved?
Did the accident involve a Rider/Horse fall?
Was the rider wearing a properly secured hat?
Was it tagged?
Was the rider wearing a body protector?
Was the rider wearing an air jacket?
Was anyone Injured in the Accident?
Did the person need medical attention?
Was an ambulance called?
Was the injured person taken to hospital?
Does the member belong to any other equestrian organisations? Please tick all that apply
Is there an any liability cover under an equine mortality policy for the horse involved?
Do you have any personal liability cover as part of your household/farm/business insurance policy?
Has a suggestion of a claim been made?

Please select a file and click on the Upload button.
If you need to add multiple files, please add them to a .zip and upload the zip file. 

One file only.
32 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.
5 + 0 =
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Accident Form 

This form is only for Pony Club Organised Events. 

Did the accident result in:

 - An injury, no matter how minor.
 - Damage to property.
 - A Near Miss, where there was no injury or damage, but it could have been serious.

Please complete this form if you answered Yes to any of the above.

Where did it happen?
Weather Conditions
Was anyone injured as a result of the Accident?
Was the injured person
What Happened?
Details of Injury
Location of injury
Who attended to the injured person?
Was the injured person allowed to continue?
Was the injured person taken to/advised to be taken to hospital?
Did the injured person have suspected or confirmed concussion?
Was the injured person given a concussion advice form?
Type of Event
What type of Type of Sport/Activity was taking place?
Was the person involved in the accident riding/handling a horse/pony?
Wearing a properly secured hat being Worn?
Was it tagged?
Wearing a body protector?
Wearing an air jacket?
Was a horse involved in the Accident?
Was the horse being:
To your knowledge, has the horse been involved in a similar accident of this nature?
Was the horse/pony injured?
Was Veterinary treatment required?
Was another horse/pony involved?
Did the accident involve a Rider/Horse fall?
Was the rider wearing a properly secured hat?
Was the rider wearing a body protector?
Was the rider wearing an air jacket?
Was any third-party property damaged as a result of the Accident?
What was damaged?
Has a suggestion of a claim been made?

Please select a file and click on the Upload button.
If you need to add multiple files, please add them to a .zip and upload the zip file. 

One file only.
32 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.
3 + 15 =
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We're here to help

Do you have an existing policy with Howden?

For all Pony Club insurance enquiries contact Catherine on 02039 184 946. Alternatively fill out the form below and we'll be in touch. 

Our Website Terms and Conditions and Privacy Notice includes information on the scope of our service and how we will handle your data.

2 + 7 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.
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What to do if you are experiencing financial difficulties

We recognise that the current economic conditions are putting pressure on many households and businesses. At Howden, we are committed to finding ways to assist our customers who may require additional support during these times.

If you’re currently facing financial difficulty, please speak to us about your insurance policies by:-

-contacting your Howden Service Team; 
-calling Howden on 020 7623 3806;
-using the Enquiry form.